$1497 Writing Course: Want To Know What I’m Learning?

I’ll be sharing my learnings via weekly emails

Ilam Padmanabhan
3 min readSep 21, 2022
Taking writing a level higher!

If you’re thinking about starting a blog or taking your blogging more seriously, you may be wondering if it’s worth it to invest in a blogging course.

After all, there are a lot of free resources out there, so why spend money on something you can get for free?

However, after writing online for almost 11 months, it feels like I should either take this seriously and decide to pursue as a hobby. That’s why I’ve signed up a blogging course for $1497.

This is where I pivot into a professional or turn writing into a hobby.

The biggest problem writers have is to write like a hobby and expect to get paid like a professional.

$1497 — It is a massive investment. I know. Also one I know everyone cannot make.

My Paypal alert on payment — Yes, it is in Danish!

While it was a big investment, I feel like it was worth it. I’m only 60% through the course, but it has given me a lot of great information that I wouldn’t have found for free online.

Or maybe I would have found the information in bits & pieces, but would have never put the them together without going through significant pain.

We spend a lot of money on a lot of things, but second guess when we have to invest on ourselves.

I haven’t learnt so much in such a short time in the last two decades! And I’m genuinely excited to share my learnings with my email subscribers.

Keeping my promise to the course creators, I will not be sharing the course content directly. But I’ll be sharing my takeaways and how it has reshaped my thinking about writing online.

It is also why I now value my Medium profile much more than before, but not planning to use it as my primary writing engine anymore.

If you’re interested in following along and learning with me, sign up for email subscriptions.

I plan to send micro lessons and do not want to bombard the readers here.

Sign up to receive emails for more updates!

Otherwise, you can check back here periodically for updates on what I’ve learned. I’ll take some time to summarize once every month or so.

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One of the tools I use in my writing kit is Jasper. It helped me write over 50000+ words this month with high quality, improve my SEO, and rank on top of Google.

I’m 99% sure you’ll say “WOW” within 5 minutes of using the tool.

If you want to give it a try, you can use this link to get a free 7-day trial. I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you!

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Follow me, so you don’t miss out! Email subscriptions are even better!

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You could get access to the work of thousands of amazing writers, become an author yourself. Subscription costs only $5 a month.

Give it a go today! Use this link!



Ilam Padmanabhan

Love to read and write about Software Engg, Agility, QA, Future of Humanity, AI, Books, Travel, Politics, Climate Change, Personal Finance, Writing & Life!